Oct 26, 2008

Electric radio control airplanes info

Electric Radio Control Airplanes
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Whats all the buzz about
electric radio control airplanes?

Arent they huge, heavy, and hard to fly? No, those days are long gone when the size of your battery took up at least half the plane. Just as modern advances in battery cells have taken the automotive industry into practical, affordable gas-electric hybrid vehicles, so have those same advances done wonders for the electric radio control airplanes world.

lithium batteries

have gotten lighter and more powerful, resistances have lowered resulting in less overheating, and these things together have led a big growth trend in the number of radio control enthusiasts switching to or even getting started in electric radio control airplanes.

Perhaps one obvious benefit is that you dont have to lug around nitro fuel wherever you go. Along with that, you arent always searching for that elusive fine line between rich and lean that keeps some gas-powered plane owners awake at night. Granted, if maintenance is your thing and flying is a fun and necessary by-product, then youll probably want to stick with your gas-powered models. For some plane owners there is nothing like good old-fashioned elbow grease.

If, however, you live to fly and wish your plane would magically maintain its engine while stored away waiting for the next outing, perhaps electric is your way to go. The electric radio control airplanes systems include battery cells, a motor, a control, and wiring. And likely you wont be called on to repair any of it on a regular basis.
The batteries are mostly
NiCd/NiMh cells

with the number of cells determining the level of output of the battery pack. When a battery cell goes, it goes. Buy a new one and carry on. The same with a motor. Maybe all this replacing of parts sounds like a waste to you, but realistically these parts can last forever if taken care of. Run a motor within its limits and it will keep on running. But if you fry it, its pretty much gone.

Some other advantages of electric radio control airplanes come from the fact that these planes are very quiet in comparison to their gas powered cousins. Their low volume output motors allow them to be flown in more areas with less resistance from the community. Their lack of engine noise also makes them seem less intimidating and therefore less dangerous by many who are sharing a park or open space with them.

And perhaps the most practical advantage of electric radio control airplanes is that they can be taken out for a quick flight, packed back up, and theres no worrying about fueling up then draining the fuel for storage.

Whichever is your fancy, electric radio control airplanes or
gas powered RC planes,

youll find that there is a technology out there to fit your needs and to go along with the reasons you are in the hobby to begin with. Radio control airplanes fit into the basic philosophy of life: its all about choices.

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