Nov 30, 2008

Remote control airplane checklist

Remote Control Airplane Pre-flight Checklist
(All links open new windows)

Here's a very comprehensive list for safe and enjoyable flying of your
remote control airplane

.General and Overall Appearance of Remote Control Airplane:___ Check covering for adhesion and holes___ Wheel size___ Wing and tail alignment___ CG - fore/aft, and lateral balance___ All nuts self-locking "aviation" type or Locktite___ Name, address and AMA number in remote control plane___ Rubber bands (when used) in good condition with proper number used
Structural:___ All hinges secure: ailerons, flaps, rudder and elevator___ All glued joints solid___ Landing gear secure
Servos and Control Surfaces of Remote Control Airplane:___ All clevises have fuel tubing or other type retainer___ "Quick Connects" (where used) are secure and Locktited___ Check ailerons for proper direction ("Thumbs Up")___ Check right and left ailerons for binding and proper throw (dual rates?)___ Check rudder for proper direction___ Check rudder for binding and proper throw (dual rates?)___ Check elevator for proper direction___ Check elevator for binding and proper throw (dual rates?)___ Nose or tail wheel of remote control plane works properly___ Check all other channels for proper operation___ All servos securely mounted, and pushrods and arms are free from wires and other obstructions___ All control horns secure
Engine and Tank:___ Engine mount secure to firewall of remote control airplane___ Engine secure on mount___ Easy access to carburetor needle valve___ Prop secure and free from nicks and cracks___ Spinner secure and edges NOT in contact with prop___ Engine has been "broken in" with at least two tanks of fuel___ Engine runs properly, and throttle trim or kill switch shuts engine off___ Tank proper size and secure with clunk free
Radio and Battery:___ Radio and battery of remote control plane wrapped in foam___ Radio and battery secured in fuselage___ Antennae properly extended and secured___ RX and TX batteries charged and reading proper voltage___ Radio "range checked"___ Radio trims and Control Surfaces centered___ Buddy Box, if used, has same directions and trim settings___ If Buddy Box is a working transmitter, remove the crystal to avoid accidental interference with your remote control airplane

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