Sep 25, 2008

The Flying-Model-Simulator download free flight simulator

Download Free Flight Simulator Here
(All links open new windows)
Download Free Flight Simulator ? - The Benefits!Copyright 2002 Howard

So your looking for an RC flight simulator? There are so many available now it can be very confusing but this article will help clarify things.

To start with I will suggest that you do yourself a huge favor and
download free flight simulator

FMS (Flight Model Simulator) because it's an excellent tool
if used properly. The big mistake that so many people make is to
that the simulator will teach them to fly. A simulator cannot teach
anything, whether you download free flight simulator or anything else.
They are simply not programmed with that ability. Many software
packages have a
built-in tutorial that allows the user to step through the functions of
program as it explains how to use each one. The RC flight simulator does not have

For instance, it does not explain that stick
should be gentle and only enough to get the model to perform a
maneuver. It does
not explain that the model must be controlled into and out of a turn
with the
ailerons. These are the functions of an instructor. The flight simulator is a
tool to
practice the maneuvers that have been taught by an instructor. A
student pilot,
especially a beginner, can develop some very bad habits while using a
that are difficult to break later.
There is a young pilot who taught
himself to fly using an RC flight simulator (I don't know if it was a download free flight simulator or not). When he arrived at the field to
get some one-on-one instruction, he had already developed some bad habits. He
managed to fly circuits around the field maintaining a good altitude although a
little low according to the instructor. The problem that he had developed was
his execution of the turns. He would make the turn with a series of very quick
movements of the aileron stick. This was obvious by the erratic banking into the
turn. The instructor showed him on several occasions how to make the turns
smoothly with gentle movements of the sticks. He is now flying an aerobatic
plane and his turns are only slightly less erratic.

For beginners, RC flight simulators
are excellent tools for building spatial orientation, motor skills, and
confidence. For more experienced pilots, flight simulators, even the download free flight simulator, can help in building
motor skills required in doing the more difficult maneuvers. The amount of
benefit that the pilot can gain from the simulator depends entirely on how well
the simulator emulates the model. On most simulators, the flight characteristics
can be adjusted so that it more closely emulates the "feel" of the model. None
of the flight simulators have progressed to the point that the flight physics are
perfect but they are close enough that they can be of significant benefit.

Dne of the most difficult things to
master for the beginning pilot is approach orientation. There is a natural
tendency for the beginner to move the stick in the direction he wants the model
to go. When the model is moving toward the pilot, the aileron and rudder
controls are reversed. This means that in order for the model to turn to the
pilot's left, the stick must be moved to the right. Using a simulator, even a download free flight simulator, allows the
pilot to practice approaching maneuvers for hours on end so that it becomes
second nature to move the stick in the correct direction for the model to take
the desired flight path. After approach orientation has been mastered, all other
maneuvers start to become easier to accomplish, especially landings.

The primary benefit of flight
simulators, including FMS download free flight simulator, is that of building motor skills. The pilot, whether a beginner or
experienced, can practice specific maneuvers for hours without having to be
concerned about weather, time of day, temperature, or number of people at the
field. The motor skills that are developed through hours at the simulator are
basically the same as "muscle memory" in golf. This means that the skills are
related more to the muscles reacting to a simple command than the brain sending
a series of commands to the muscle.

For instance, the pilot wants to perform a
snap roll with a Giles 202 model. He thinks "snap roll" and his fingers simply
move the sticks to the appropriate position rather than his having to think in
what position the sticks need to be. The end result of the muscle memory is
where modelers get the term "feel" for a model. Since there is no positive
feedback system built into a transmitter, there is not true feel for a model.
The feel of the model comes from the difference in the expected feel based on
muscle memory and the actual feel from the movement of the sticks.

Many beginners do not progress as
well as others simply because of a lack of confidence. This is especially true
if the student is not able to fly very often due to conflicts in scheduling time
to devote to learning to fly. With each trip to the field, he must re-learn some
of the things that he has forgotten during his absence from the field. He must
again reinforce his motor skills and regain his muscle memory or feel for the
trainer. Since his progress may be much slower than that of other students at
the field, he may become frustrated and much less confident. The download free flight simulator allows the beginner to practice what he has learned to maintain or improve his
motor skills and not lose his confidence. When he goes to the field, he will
subconsciously think, "I can do this."

A few years ago, there was an
article in one of the leading R/C magazines about the benefits of an RC flight
simulator. There was a story of a young man who flew a club trainer a few times
then bought a flight simulator. He knew enough of the basics to be able to hone
his skills on the different model configurations offered on the simulator. After
several months of practicing on the simulator, he went back to the field and
flew every model at the field including a ducted fan jet plane. He had no
problems with basic maneuvers because he had developed the skills required
through many hours of practice with the simulator. This is an extreme case but
it shows what can be accomplished through using a simulator, even FMS download free flight simulator, if the basic methods
have been taught.

If pilots get proper instruction
and use the flight simulator to practice what is taught, it can be of
significant value in learning to fly or to perfect various maneuvers. It can
greatly increase the "stick time" that the pilot is able to achieve in given
period of time. It is a tool that if properly applied can help a pilot to
progress at a much faster rate than normally possible. Above all, it is up to
the pilot to make sure that this tool is properly applied by getting the right
kind of instruction and not try to learn on his own.

If, after you download free flight simulator FMS, you want to explore commercial versions, then be sure to take a look at the hugely popular Real Planes G3 simulator below...and enjoy!

Click on above photo

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